Become a Mark Maker and give monthly to support disabled artists

Become a Mark Maker and give monthly to support disabled artists image

Your monthly gift supports artists like Benji Saechao Cheung

In March 2020, we learned exactly how much can change in a matter of weeks. At Creativity Explored, we took this new reality month by month – keeping a close eye on rising infection rates, creating new remote programs, and then changing them to keep meeting our artists' needs.

Will you sustain our creative community by becoming a Mark Maker today? By pledging $50, $25, $10, or $5 a month, you’ll strengthen our community – month by month – and secure our legacy for decades to come.

Your monthly gift supports Creativity Explored artists including Benji Saechao Cheung. Benji joined our program in February 2022 and has already become a familiar face. Two days each week, Benji comes to our Potrero Hill studio. Before he begins his day, he makes his rounds to welcome his fellow artists and check in on the staff. After he greets everyone, he begins painting and drawing his favorite anime characters and movie posters.

Benji has been making art since the age of three. He was excited to join the Creativity Explored community to learn from CE’s talented teaching artists and to sell his art to make money. As Benji says, “I want to keep my passion alive,” and Creativity Explored is determined to help him.

For the past few months, Benji has honed his craft, soliciting feedback and input from staff and artists to ensure his art stands out. Already a professional artist, Benji plans to explore ceramics and animation at CE and to, one day, work as a docent at a local museum. Month after month, his teaching artists and our new care companions work together to help Benji reach his goals.

If you can, please consider helping CE artists like Benji learn new mediums and develop their practice by pledging $50, $25, $10, or $5 a month. Month by month, you’ll provide space, supplies, mentorship, and endless opportunities for disabled artists.

With your help, we’re making sure Benji and all CE artists keep learning and growing to keep their artistic practice and passion alive for months and years to come.